Thursday, November 29, 2012

Losing the Antibiotic race

The bacteria, known as Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, are named for their ability to fight off carbapenem antibiotics -- the last line of defense in the medical toolbox. And so far, they've emerged almost exclusively in health care facilities, picking off the weakest of patients.
The doctors at this time have no way of treating these patients that have become infected with this mutated bacteria 
So if you plan to work in the healthcare field be sure to WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN. actually even if you are not in health care just wash your hands to stay healthy and reduce transmittance of germs

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Watch Where You Pee

I decided to take a different approach on the parasite rather than using a worm or a tick or a flea i decided a more interesting parasite would be the Candiru or toothpick fish it sucks human blood, and can enter through any open orifice. Hollywood popularized the fish swimming up a urine stream into the urethra

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Nickel is a toxic element and should never be trusted. except in small amounts, because it is essential to have some nickel intake.
Humans may be exposed to nickel by breathing air, drinking water, eating food or smoking cigarettes. Skin contact with nickel-contaminated soil or water may also result in nickel exposure. In small quantities nickel is essential, but when the uptake is too high it can be a danger to human health.

An uptake of too large quantities of nickel has the following consequences:
- Higher chances of development of lung cancer, nose cancer, larynx cancer and prostate cancer
- Sickness and dizziness after exposure to nickel gas
- Lung embolism
- Respiratory failure
- Birth defects
- Asthma and chronic bronchitis
- Allergic reactions such as skin rashes, mainly from jewelry
- Heart disorders

Read more:

Nickel is used in many products some of you may use everyday including electric guitar strings, magnets and rechargeable batteries. The magnetic properties of nickel actually make it very important for use in computer hard drives.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Community Gardening

We at the ACGA have a broad definition of what a community garden entails. It can be urban, suburban, or rural. It can grow flowers, vegetables or community. It can be one community plot, or can be many individual plots. It can be at a school, hospital, or in a neighborhood. It can also be a series of plots dedicated to "urban agriculture" where the produce is grown for a market.

There has also been a link associated with community gardens and lower crime rates.

This will reduce the amount of

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rachel Carson The Superhero

Carson was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania on May 27, 1907. She started writing papers at eight, and had her first story published at age eleven. Reading through everything Rachel Carson did in her lifetime is phenomenal. One thing many people know Carson for is the book Silent Spring she wrote about all the terrible things DDT sprayed by humans to kill bugs caused birds to lay softer shelled eggs causing a generations of failed fertilized eggs.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Global Warming... Water on the Rise

So everyone is predicting that this holy terror of all the bad things people do is going to cause the earth to heat up so much its gonna burn up like a crisp and it is all humanity's fault.

With that out of the way, the way ocean levels are on the rise it is becoming a real concern to live in coastal areas. If waters do continue to rise as glaciers melt many coastal cities could potentially be underwater again.
by the end of this century, up to 180 U.S. cities could see about 9 percent of their land areas threatened. The Gulf and southern Atlantic coasts will be particularly hard hit. Miami, New Orleans, Tampa, Fla., and Virginia Beach, Va. could lose more than 10 percent of their land area by 2100.