Saturday, September 22, 2012

Global Warming... Water on the Rise

So everyone is predicting that this holy terror of all the bad things people do is going to cause the earth to heat up so much its gonna burn up like a crisp and it is all humanity's fault.

With that out of the way, the way ocean levels are on the rise it is becoming a real concern to live in coastal areas. If waters do continue to rise as glaciers melt many coastal cities could potentially be underwater again.
by the end of this century, up to 180 U.S. cities could see about 9 percent of their land areas threatened. The Gulf and southern Atlantic coasts will be particularly hard hit. Miami, New Orleans, Tampa, Fla., and Virginia Beach, Va. could lose more than 10 percent of their land area by 2100.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How Pollution is Effecting the World's Water

Everyone knows pollution has become a problem, but I would like to learn more about extreme examples, similar to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Above: is an image of an estimated 3.5 million ton island of plastic and garbage floating in the pacific ocean.

Below: shows the location of this island that is close to twice the size of Texas.

Below: A full hour long documentary on Garbage Island 

This is relatively new information to me, so i was curious if there were other extreme examples to learn about, and what we can do in order to alleviate these issues

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Catastrophic event

The Blizzard of 1993 
This storm complex was massive, affecting at least 26 U.S. states and much of eastern Canada.
Oddly enough right before this storm hit there had been a meteorological breakthrough in detecting when a large storm will come five days in advance. So even though there was appropriate forecasting, and for the first time ever an official blizzard warning two days in advanced. the problem was many people did not believe this storm would be as severe as predicted. Mainly southerners who were not used to snowfall so late in the year did little to protect themselves in an earlier effort. Snowfall up to 54 inches was recorded in West Virginia. Atlanta saw a full 16.2 inches of snow. so as you 

This covered so much area

I would be so pissed

but oh wait I have a jeep, so I'm good